Sharing Stories

Share Your Story With Us

Someone once said that the shortest distance between two people is a story.

Stories are powerful. They are primal elements that have connected human beings for as long as language has existed. Stories can move us – to heal us, challenge us and create a stronger community.

At Floris UMC, we believe it is time to gather around the campfire once again. Let’s create a safe space to listen to the experiences of our neighbors.

Members of Floris UMC have been brave enough to share a glimpse into their lives. Their triumphs, struggles, successes and challenges. We hope you will take the time to hear from some amazing people.

If you have a story to share, let us know! Contact Megan Dietrick at She will walk you through the steps to get your thoughts, ideas and experiences out into the world.

Select an arrow in the top left of the video window to watch another story.

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