Coffee with the Pastors

Let’s Connect!

Coffee with the Pastors is a time to meet with church leadership, hear about Floris UMC and learn about its history. You’ll find out what membership means and how to join Floris UMC.

When are Coffee with the Pastors offered?

We offer Coffee with the Pastors (CWP) four to five times per year. Childcare is available for in-person events.

Do I have to be baptized to become a member?

Baptism is a requirement of membership at Floris UMC. If you have not been baptized, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a meeting after the coffee. You can talk to one of the pastors in more detail about this very important step in your journey.

Does Floris UMC recognize my baptism in another Christian denomination?

Yes, the United Methodist Church recognizes one baptism. If you (or your child) were baptized in another domination in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, your baptism is transferable to Floris UMC.

Can I have my child baptized and join at the same time?

Yes, if you have a child to baptized when you join, please fill out a Baptism Request. We will contact you to schedule the baptism on the day that you join the church.

When will I become a member at Floris UMC?

New Member Sundays occur one Sunday per month. You can select the month and time to join. If a baptism is involved, you will be given available dates.

For more information, contact Peggy Manduke at

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